The World is Changing.
From the Massive numbers of refugees forced to leave their Mediterranean Homelands in 2018, to the exponential jump in the Earth’s Surface Temperature in the last 4 years and the COVID pandemic in 2020, the way We are structuring ourselves as a Global Community is being strongly influenced by some appreciably momentous events.
The most obvious and most acutely felt being the COVID Pandemic. Regardless of what side of the coin You stand on, be it an overhyped inconvenience blown out of proportion or a serious disease that should be considered as one, it has certainly been a catalyst for change.
Who’s the new Neighbor? - Don’t know, I haven't met her. Handshakes okay? - How about an elbow? Can we have a Birthday Party? How many people? Should we hug Grandma? Let’s wait until summer.
Needless to say it’s taken the World for a bumpy ride.
Without clear lines of communication and a true understanding of what’s really happening or how it’s going to impact us, many feel like we’re blindfolded, unsure of which foot to put forward. Hindering Your steps, it keeps You stuck and vulnerable to the push and pull of the World around You, floating, without any solid Ground to stand on.
If the World really is Changing or rather, if We are Changing the World what kind of changes are we making? What seems to be the Right Path? What direction should We be facing as Individuals and is the Right Path for You the Path of Least Resistance?
You can look at it through the Lens of Deep Science and Quantum Physics, Call it an Astrological Shift and the Age of Aquarius or Pan through Historic Records until You’ve seen enough facts and figures to start seeing a trend. Whatever perspective You take doesn’t really matter, because if it’s a Truth it’s scaleable.
So let’s take a Ground Level approach.
In this article I’m going to give You a Birds eye view of where the World seems to be going and what You can do to begin orienting Yourself in the best position possible.
Occasionally I like to put a Map on the World to see where the dots show up and what kinds of patterns I can make between them. Like the other articles this one connects those dots, but unlike the rest it's more philosophical in nature. Throwing rocks in the water and seeing what kind of ripples show up. It’s playful in nature but also allows the process of meaning to begin being made. This way You can place Yourself on the Map and find out how You can get to where You want to go.
From a satellites perspective we, as a population have collectively navigated our way through 2 major eras and were on the threshold of a third.
Our Ancestral Era is the first Era. It is also the longest. Coming to grips with our Environment and finding our place through Evolution we grew primarily by instinct. According to Paul Maclean’s Triune Brain Model our Brain was shaped in layers during our evolutionary development. The First layer being our Reptilian Brain, or Basal Ganglia.
Your Basal Ganglia is principally supplied by Your Vagus Nerve. Responsible for Your primal instincts this area is responsible for Autonomic Response, things like reproduction, hunger, sleep, mate finding, Self-preservation and anything else related to survival. The Nerve, split into two branches, has the most widespread distribution in Your Body. Connecting through the Medulla Oblongata Your Vagus Nerve receives it’s bulk of informational supply from the second largest population of Nerve Cells, Your Enteric Nervous System (ENS), better known as Your Gut. This is the same connection that forms Your Gut-Brain Axis and helps You to recognize situations of potential threat or opportunities for increasing safety.
Communicating through the mucosal layer of Your Gut, Your Microbiome worked together with Your ENS to send up more information to Your Brain than Your Brain down to Your ENS. Operating on Instinct in a State of Survival We were guided by Our Guts, intimately connected with the World around Us because it was a matter of Life or Death. In the middle of the Food Chain we didn’t have time to think, we had to act and act fast, letting our ENS Influence our daily choices, shaping our Memory, Learning and Behavior.
This Era was Gut-led and revolved around Survival and Connection.
While it did take a long time to shape ourselves through the Process of Natural Selection, eventually we did, merging into a New Way of Being.
Dovetailing, the Ancestral Era led into the Industrial Era. Spurred by language, our Left Hemisphere’s exploded in this new playground of thinking in sequence. Starting with the Hands and fingers as vehicles for gesture, sound and symbols soon followed stringing into sentences, forming stories, nurturing ideas and finding connection between imagination and the Reality of the Past, Present and Future. New Neural Architecture rapidly expanding, Creative Expression was liberated as act, tone, emotion and rhythm accompanied new and invented sounds and symbols that we could store, recall and restructure.
Language propelling cooperation and cooperation birthing community we began to step out of the Food Chain and create a Chain of Our Own. This was our first real taste of large-scale, organized Civilization.
Separating ourselves from the Earth’s cycles we still maintained the need to survive as our own Societal Hierarchy emerged. With the top of the ladder providing the most opportunity and safety, and the bottom the least. Most obviously seen in the times of Monarchy and within the Caste System, we still observe it today in the Modern-day Manifestation of Maslow’s Hierarchy, Consumerism and the “Make More Money Mentality”.
With civilizations settling in and the Freedom to think beyond the Now we explored deep into what could be and what actually is. This gave rise to Literacy, Philosophy, Science, Technology and the Way of Living we are most acquainted with. Unbound the Left Hemisphere flourished, birthing an Era predominantly led by Our Brains.
Pushed by our innate drive to maintain value in an Ever-Growing Society, cut-off and removed from our Ancestral Home and the slow shrinking of Self-Awareness and Our Right Hemisphere’s Role qualifies this Era as being characterized by Survival, Disconnect and almost entirely Brain-Led.
With the Rapid expansion of Global Population, Technological advancements and Exponential Growth in Convenience we’ve reshaped the World to fit Our needs. But in the process have lost what it means to be Human. In our drive for Safety and Security we’ve bonded more to the Societal Systems we’ve created than to the People and Planet that allow the System to exist. We’ve lost a deep sense of connection with Ourselves, Others and the Earth as our Left-Hemispheres took over and our Brains led the show.
But it hasn’t been for nought. Our Brain-led way of living provided us with so much abundance we have more than we know what to do with. Like taking apart a Swiss-made Watch, we’ve taken apart all the pieces, unearthing vast amounts of knowledge and understanding the mechanisms of how things work in isolation and as a system of integrated parts. Now it’s time to step back with that knowledge and the Space of Safety to begin to understand how it all works as a Whole.
Stuck in our Symbolic thought and feeling chained to a Society that we’ve structured it can be hard to let go of an Industrial Way of Living. Prevalent in the way we grow food, run our economy, manage industry, govern countries, educate, everything is broken up and categorized in sequence, compartmentalized, sectioned and filed just as Our Left Hemisphere would have it. Neatly organized, labeled and ranked it’s efficient but it’s not accounting for all the pieces, or rather all the pieces as One. Which means it falls short.
With the Resources at hand and the Know-How in place we can rest assured that we are Safe. We’ve created a buffer for us to explore and play, probing the waters of what it means to be connected. As we creep out of the Cave of Our Left Hemisphere and into the Sunny Glow of our Bodies we can return to a child-like nature of learning. Combining the Instinctual Ancestral Wisdom of our Guts with the Creative, Sequential Symbolism of Our Brain we can begin to reconnect by Feel, letting our Hearts lead the way.
As We become reacquainted with Our Embodied Self We reclaim Our Whole-Body, reinstituting Our Sense of Self, connecting to Others and the World around Us. From here We can make grounded decisions as We integrate into Our Environment, listening and feeling the Push and Pull of the changes We make, assured by the security that We can trust what We Feel.
You can Trust what You Feel.
With clarity We have the Freedom to explore alternative options as together We experiment Our way into a New Way of Life.
Your Heart is the Leader of this Era. With its own intrinsic nervous System it is capable of learning independently, making its own memories and perhaps most importantly having the ability to feel and sense information. Communicating with the Gut, Brain, Body and Environment Your Heart ties together the previous two Era’s bringing the Best of both Worlds. Governed by Emotion Your Heart feels it’s way into the decisions it makes, meaning a New Way of Living requires a New Way of Being as We step into a Space that is largely unknown. Heart-led this Era is characterized by Safety and Connection, a Golden Age building it’s foundation on Bedrock that has the potential to turn Survival into Thrival.
But what if this isn’t the case, what kind of proof can we draw upon to actually validate our claims?
History is broken, with segments scattered like a freshly dumped 1000-piece puzzle strewn across the floor. But enough of those pieces can be put together to begin giving us an idea of what the picture of the puzzle really looks like.
This Video does a nice job of creating a General Overview of how significant changes in Human History have precipitated. With Classical Antiquity and the Late Stone Ages setting the Stage for the Industrial Era and the times before that being more Ancestral in nature.
However, to get to the Meat of the Matter all Major Global Changes seem to be preceded by climate change, pandemics and Mass migrations.
Funny enough, these are all things We are experiencing right now, between the Years of 2018 and 2022.
It’s also worth mentioning that shifts from one Era to the next don’t tend to occur overnight. Like the slow spin of the Earth as it revolves around Our Sun, it’s not immediately noticeable but stretched over the seasons it becomes apparent that things have changed over a relatively brief period of time.
Of course we can look at this from multiple angles. Richard Tarnas in his book, Cosmos and the Psyche, wrote about the Uranus-Pluto Square carrying into 2020 where it will require Humanity to “rapidly expand the scope of its vision and draw upon new resources.. [as we undergo] Great Global Transformations and Emancipatory Movements”. Given that his book was published in 2006, and thus the hardcover unalterable, the coincidence, if it were to proceed, would be uncanny.
Using Gravitational Theory I do believe that a planet weighing 8.6 x 10-25 kg, (that’s 8.6 with 26 zeros behind it) is going to have some effect on anything made of Matter or Energy, including You.
Like standing on a trampoline with a soccer ball, You are going to have an effect on the way that Ball responds to Your Environment. Given that the mesh of the trampoline was large enough (i.e. the Gravitational Field) if You replace that ball with a planet, the way You behave would also change as the planet moves it’s way around the trampoline pulling on You with Stronger or Weaker forces.
However, Physics, History and Astrology aside, all of this can be simply lumped together as information. While it tends to be useful when trying to link the pieces of an abstract and incredibly vast puzzle it doesn’t always make the task of comprehending the puzzle any easier. Watching things and trying to form predictions from such a Wide Field of View, can be puzzling and become a breeding ground for uncertainty or ignorance.
So what to do instead?
Ground Yourself. In grounding Yourself Your Whole World no longer seems to spin, instead You can spin with it, bringing clarity to what was once blurry vision.
But in order to start You’ll need a couple of Virtues.
Virtues that You can leverage to Your advantage and use to place Yourself in Good Position.
These virtues are Awareness and Trust.
Recognizing that the World has to shift, or at least might shift, can be uncomfortable. Everything You knew feels like it has to be let go, as You let it float out to sea. What You once found comfort in feels gone, leaving You on Your own Life Raft with little to hang on to, except a paddle and some fresh water.
Surrendering to the Ocean, the unknown has to be embraced. Scary at first, You will soon notice how the Clouds predict the weather patterns. How the waves rock back and forth to their own rhythm and the currents seem to follow the sky. Even the stars begin to create shapes, playing patterns with the horizon as You start to realize where You are.
Then everything changes.
You’ve become Aware.
In uncertain times Your Brain is bound to make predictions. Combining learned knowledge and memories from the past it is constantly creating assumptions in an attempt to negotiate uncertain waters and course the high seas. When everything seems chaotic and Your environment is experiencing constant change Your Brain increases its threat attention, becoming hypervigilant in its attempt to reduce uncertainty. This energetically demanding task can lead to short-circuiting, burning out and getting You nowhere closer to where You want to Be. It also happens to be classic Left-Hemisphere Behavior.
Becoming aware of Your surroundings allows Your perspective to migrate out of the confines of Your Head and into the calm of Your Body. Tuning in, You can begin to familiarize Yourself with the needs and wants of Your Being, pulling into the present as You remove the future-oriented cycling of the Left Hemisphere. The Right Hemisphere coming back into the picture You reduce Your Brain’s need to make predictions and begin to stabilize the feelings that were once uncertain.
However, this can be extremely uncomfortable. Coming into Your whole Body means You need to feel all the discomfort and it can be hard to not disengage and distract Yourself with Left Hemisphere Hedonic Signaling or Overthinking and falling back into a state of Hypervigilance.
But this is Awareness.The first step to making sound decisions that You feel confident in and the beginning to unwinding the language of Who You really are.
While Awareness is wonderful, Situational Awareness and Self-Awareness are two different things. You can have an idea of What the World is doing without actually knowing where You stand in it. To truly embrace discomfort You have to embody Self-Awareness, grounded within Yourself and Your Experience. Unrooted, if Your World feels like it’s spinning, You too will feel caught. spinning along with it. Careening to the outer edges, out of control and at the mercy of the wind. To change You'll need to come back to center, where it may be uncomfortable, but it’s calm. Here, from the Eye of the Hurricane the World's spin becomes rhythmic. Beautiful, easily accessed and readily understood.
Self-Awareness grounds You to You. Viscerally knowing Who You are and How You choose to Express Yourself comes from understanding Your Needs, Wants and Desires Experientially. By getting in touch with what You need right Now You will have Your foot in the Door, the opening to the rest of You. Where You can begin to untangle the language of Your True Expression. Not only attending to Your Wants, Needs and Desires of right now but also allowing You to make decisions for Your Needs, Wants and Desires of the Future.
When You begin to test the waters and comprehend Who You are and How You want to Be in relation to the World around You it lets You find Your place. With the Gap closing between Who You are and Who You want to Be, and with Your place found You can begin to move, explore and shape Yourself into the Fabric of the World around You. Using Your own custom stitches, You become active in the Earth’s creative design.
In short, feeling uncomfortable means something awesome is about to happen.
It’s like never knowing what an egg is and seeing one for the first time. When You're Uncomfortable it's equivalent to the first tap on the shell. Delicate and Fragile it feels like it might crack, shattering what You have so You back off.
Doing anything to preserve it You put it on the shelf, “safe” and out of reach, glancing at it every once and a while. Seldom coming back to it, it'll stay the way it is, slowly deteriorating over time. But when You stick with it and stay curious, holding it to Your Chest, letting go when You need to and holding tight when it's called for You’ll hear a tap coming from the inside. Before You know it a chick will emerge, blowing Your Mind of what You ever thought was possible.
Having Your World shaken and the things You know as truth crumble can be terrifying but the rearrangement of the structural supports that create Your Belief System and Base of Perception always open up new views and unearth brightly lit corridors that were hidden under the old foundations.
Even if it makes You Uncomfortable finding Certainty in Yourself during uncertain times brings clarity, Clarity gives You a sense of direction, when You become aware of direction You can choose Your next steps and begin to create the life You want, grounded in Your decisions and in reference to the meaning that You’ve made. This gives You a framework to work with, build upon, deconstruct and reconstruct as You move the pieces around until Your World begins shifting and falling into place with the World around You.
Through this Process, synchronicities begin to present themselves with Eureka! Moments until moments of synchronicity turn into a Life that’s Synchronous.
For a change in Global Dynamics Everyone is going to have to change, it’s not something new, we change every Year. You pick a new hobby, pursue a new business development, try cooking a new kind of Cuisine, buy the latest biohacking gear. This change is just a big one because everyone has to change in a similar way.
It’s a reset for all of Us as a Population, which means it’s general but it also will feel like a complete 180 from what We are used to.
Even though We might know the direction we’re going, we don’t know what it looks like. Like following the white line that signals the edge of a Foggy road, You just have to trust.
Trust brings clarity and clarity is directly opposed to uncertainty.
When You, Your Environment or Another makes decisions that are aligned with Your Safety and Well-Being, Trust is established. Dynamic, Trust can be built and broken down. During hazy times. uncertainty can breach Your Walls of Identity, destabilizing discomfort and shaking Your Self-Certainty to generate feelings of mistrust in Your Sense of Self. This can lead to misperception and a wary way of walking when it comes to Your Environment, How You relate to Others and Your Life Decisions.
Having Your calm waters stirred, as they churn up waves of disruption can feel like disaster, but in reality it is the perfect recipe for building Self-Trust.
The Beautiful Blend of discomfort, vulnerability and lack of direction provides the Ultimate opportunity to make meaning as You look within. Using compassion, Awareness of how You feel offers opportunities to create connection. Looking at Yourself through the lens of Kindness and Acting from the intention of Support, You can listen with non-judgemental ears and an open heart as what's on the inside guides Your actions on the Outside. Starting small this streamlines success, self-improvement and happiness. As listening leads to making decisions that are right for You, Your decisions begin to stack up over time, creating a transformation that splices into entrusting Yourself to Your own Self-Care and Well-Being.
With the evolution of Your Self-Trust comes new levels of Autonomy and Self-Respect. Self-Respect naturally rears clarity and certainty and stabilized experiences of Self alongside Self-Certainty lead to more informed and intelligent decision making and a greater capacity for self-directed action. This gently closes the loop that perpetuates Your new-found Foundation of Trust.
A Trust You’ve built, nurtured and grown. Intimately understood it doesn’t matter what may come next, because Your Well-Being is in Your Hands, safely held, You can Be certain of Your position regardless of the Path that lies ahead.
Trust and Awareness are founded in Feeling. Knowing Yourself, What You need and that You can make the right decisions to get to where You want to go. An intimate connection to these virtues can only be experienced, not isolated singly to thought or mindless action.
This Connection comes from a deep and resonant Feeling of Who You are.
A connection that is always keeping You Safe, Strong and Secure. Feeding You the information to help You take the Right steps even if they contradict what You believe. This is the same connection that is guiding You to fulfill Your highest expression.
The connection comes through Your Fascia. Integrating You into an Uncertain World to create a Life that is Certain. It is Your Grounding Rod, Your Center of Gravity, Your Focal Point, Spread out in every direction, extending over and through the diverse topographical textures of Your Body.
Both literally and figuratively it is Your Stabilizer. Turning Your tight rope into a sidewalk, it keeps You balanced. The breeze of uncertainty bringing excitement for what's to come and joy in the moment instead of fear of falling and a longing for the comfort of what used to be.
This is what allows not only You, but all of Us to begin shaping Our New World in Our own Creative Way. Each of Us Individuals, sculpting our own path but yet synchronously still working together. Present in the moment, We intertwine with one another as we Work in collaboration, creating a Global Community that is Unique, Expressive, Beautiful and Connected.
Facilitating this connection internally, to allow You to spark the connection externally, is Your Fascia. Your Fascia also ties both Awareness and Trust together. The very nature of it communicating what You feel blooms Awareness, with Trust coming from executed action and the sensation of success.
Trust ultimately leading to Your Expression.
Understanding the Language of Your Fascia opens up a new way of navigating. No longer stuck to the roads and highways, You now have access to a Helicopter. Out of the Fog and into the Clouds, it gets You to where You want to go, faster and easier, with spectacular views along the way.
So when the Clouds finally break, the Fog gently clears, and a view opens up, Your Heart will Swell as Your Eyes soak up the Wonder. Jaw dropping, Your cheeks pulling high, a smile will spread wide, connecting one ear to the other, Your Soul’s light breaching as it tickles Your Skin’s Surface.
A message.
Raw and Untainted, and mediated by Your Fascia.