Gait Training

Movement starts with Gait Training

Health Status & Quality of Life is intimately tied to Gait, no other movement comes secondary to it.

The concept is to train the micro-movements that allow movement economy in larger complex movements.

The idea of deconstructing to reconstruct the Gait Cycle  nurtures the Body’s Intuition. This feeds-forward into Self-Organization; facilitating access to the largest Movement library known.


Tissue Health is governed by Immunity

Each Tissue has a an Immune Cell Demographic that is responsible for maintaining tissue Homeostasis (Health).

Your Gut Lining is the primary programmer of Your Immune System, and Food is the primary influence on that programming.

By understanding the dynamics that play into Food-Immune Mechanisms, we can reverse engineer the ancestral diet to drive balance in immunity system wide.

Fascial Maneuvers

Trauma is an UnFelt Feeling

Feelings are a derivative of a collection of sensations communicated by the Body.

When feelings go unprocessed due to a lack of Safety, its termed Trauma.

The area responsible for those sensations are desensitized and "locked" by fascial adaptations as a protective mechanism.

Unlocking these tissues allows the Unfelt sensations to come forward. Facilitating Trauma Resolution, Perceptual Shifts & Integration

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