The truth about alignment that nobody else knows about. Unity Line and why traditional posture is 15 years behind.

0:00 - 2:04 - Intro

- Niek didn’t believe the Information he’s about to deliver

- This will be an active podcast, You will be able to test things out in Real Time.

2:05 - 6:05 - What is Posture?

- Posture vs Alignment.

- There is no good or Bad Posture

- However there is alignment; how is the body designed to be organized when at rest.

- Is modern Posture actually misalignment?

- Modern-Day Posture is strongly driven by theatre and   acting If You look far enough modern posture is driven by the need to create segregation in ancient Europe.

- This posture has now been adopted by the Health & Fitness Industry as the Gold Standard.

6:06 - 10:38 - The Fundamental Truths of the Human Body’s Design

- The truths of the body; what Biomechanic Experts see.

- the primary & secondary curve; primary curve = in the womb, secondary curve  = birhting process.

- Internal vs. External Torque Chains; Internal torque chains bring You towards Your midline, external brings You away.

- Kelly Starrett’s role in bringin External torque chains into the public space.

- A dominant torque chain or curve will drive muscular imbalance; superficial muscular contraction is necessary for correction.

- Why superficial muscles are not responsible for alignment or posture “at rest”.

- Why You’re posture is stiff; why You’re movement is stiff.

- Making the Body move and Allowing the Body to move are two different processes.

10:39 - 14:35 - How the Unity Line and Innate Alignment  was discovered

- Penelope Easten’s Book; The 12 steps tp the Alexander Technique; dove deep into alignment and natural movement

- Francois Delsarte; practiced theatre; had no idea about Body mechanics; simply disliked rigid stage presence.

- How Delsarte using song to accidentally stumble upon  true Human alignment.

- In hindsight, people who were interested in Biomechanics tried to decipher Delsarte’s method.

- The emergence of the Unity Line.

14:36 - 18:21 - What is the Unity Line?

- The Unity line allows the bones to spirallicallly align with gravity

- Movement Analysts and experts like Roye Goldenschmidt and Naudi Aguilar have discovered this naturally and independently.

- The Unity Line defined

- The Unity Line is an invisible air column; it comes to fruition when skeletal landmarks are aligned.

- Niek took a 3-month break from the Unity Line concept because it felt so ridiculous.

- The Unity Line throws a wrench into the concept of what “Good Posture” really is.

- Faulty Sensory Perception

18:22 - 20:51 - What You will most likely experience when You try to get into “Unity Line Posture”

- Most likely You have been doing 1 of 2 things around posture; what this means for Your fascia.

- The Unity Line Posture will come more natural and less awkward looking as Your Fascial Tissue starts to change and “release”.

20:52 - 23:40 - Finding the Unity Line

- We are going to ID some Bony Landmarks.

- You will need a 30cm stick and a 1m stick.

- Landmarks on the Front of Your Body You will need to find and how to find them.

- Landmarks Summary

- Forgotten Landmark (26:25) - ASIS

23:41 - 25:10 - Finding the Unity Line in the Back

- Landmarks on the Front of Your Body You will need to find and how to find them.

25:11 - 29:03 - Exercises to find the Unity Line

- Exercises to find the Unity Line

- Difference between Anterior & Posterior Pelvic tilt

- Niek forgot a Landmark (ASIS)

- Your lower back curve does is not visible from outside of Your Body

- What happens if You do not have a straight line from Sacrum to T8.

29:04 - 32.54 - Getting Your Scapulas into Position, “awakening” them

- The shoulder throws everybody off.

- Getting in touch with Your shoulder; harder than You think.

- Bring Your Armpits to the front hack.

- Your scapula is actually on the side of Your Body.

- Using the 1m stick to see how close You are to the Unity Line.

- Grab the 30cm stick and make a cross at Your sternum

- What it means if these sticks are not touching.

- Move the 30cm stick to Your Costal Arch, make adjustments.

 32:55 - 35:34 - How to try to move closer towards the Unity Line

- The spine will be compressed if You are not on the Unity Line

- Air Sack Analogy

- Try to get longer Hack; try to lengthen Your whole Body

- The struggle is part of the success.

35:35 - 39:47 - The Vertical Hanging Arm

- This is the silliest looking piece of the Unity Line

- This position radically shifts Your ability to move Your arm.

- Your Legs are like pillars that hold You up; Your arms are free hanging, they should be aligned with gravity.

- Exercise for finding the Proper shoulder slignment

- Gorilla Arms caveat; why Gorilla Arms get a bad rap.

- Pinky Finger Counterrotation Hack

- Why You look stiff & silly.

- How Niek gets his mileage in.

39:48 - 42:58 - You have successfully found the Unity Line

- Your Body organizes itself through these landmarks to find balance

- Movement gets optimized when organized around the Unity Line

- Why it feels stiff & rigid

- Vertical Hanging Arm Exercise; which requires less effort.

- How the Unity Line impacts Your Breath

- Your Lungs are mostly in Your back

- Oxygenatiion and Fluid Exchange are maximized when posture is ganized around the Unity Line

42:59 - 47:00 - How the scapula impacts the Gait Cycle.

- How the shoulders turn on the Serratus Anterior

- The job of the serratus anterior and how it impacts Scapular handling.

- Scapular Dyskinesis; how it effects gait.

- Arms start the gait cycle

- Exercise to test whether You are Scapular winging or not.

- Why do Humans need the vertical Haniging Arm; Brachiation

- Why Brachiation is a precursor to gait and throwing

- Brachiation translates into Throwing

47:01 - 48:55 - The Vertical Hanging Arm is only for standing or Walking

- Lines of Tension are required for Athletic Feats

- Lines of tension will organically arise as You increase demond of force.

- Moving from rest to athleticism becomes fluid when the Unity Line is the resting position.

48:56 - 52:22 - Stand facing forward in the mirror for alignment and Close-Out.

- What landmarks should be directly across from eachother.

- Your clavicles need to be level; what thi means.

- Level Your clavicles using Your Lungs; blow Yourself up from the inside out.

- How optimizing mechanics optimizes metabolism.


Kelly Starrett - The Ready State

Kelly Starrett - Supple Leopard Book

Penelope easten - The 12 Fundamentals to Integrated Movement

Frederick Alexander - The Alexander Technique

Youtube Playlist with Jeando Maseoro - Alexander Technique Teacher

Roye Goldenschmidt - Movement Israel

Naudi Aguilar - Functional Patterns

Katie Bowman - How to Move Your DNA Book

Katie Bowman - The Movement Movement

FasciaBasicsP.1. Podcast

Homeoblock Appliance

Great Apes Gorilla Arms Video

Unity Line Landmarks Photo

Balanced around the Unity Line

images are from The Alexander technique, twelve fundamentals of integrated movement by Penelope Easten.

Imbalanced around the Unity Line

images are from The Alexander technique, twelve fundamentals of integrated movement by Penelope Easten.

A Picture of Niek Wulkea
Niek Wulkea

One-on-One Coaching

Upgrade Your Health to Your Innate, Evolutionary Standards and Unlock New Levels of Potential with Methods that are Tried and Tested.

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