Why Perfecting Gait doesn't only ensure perfect hydration it also allows You to regrow Limbs.

slug: thefield

0:00 - 0:21 - Intro

0:22 - 2:52 - The Basics of Michael Levin’s Research

- Epigenetics & How Cells move around & structure themselves is governed by Memory in an Information Field

- The Field is Water, The Memory is Bioelectricity via charged Partices

- The Pattern of Charge is a code that acts as a Language for Communication.

- Voltage-Gated Ion Channels act as Transistors

- How Our Cells act function like a Bee Colony.

2:53 - - 3:44 - Fascia Holding Memory

- Michael Levin entertaining the idea of Fascia being a form of the Field.

- Cytoskeleton & Cytosol is a scaled down version of ECM & Ground Substance 

3:45 - 4:24 - Foreword by Niek

- Niek connects some of the dots

- Niek explains how a perception shift is the first step in the door of practical application.

4:25 - 7:49 - The Science behind Fascia holding Memory

- Niek summarizes Gerald Pollack’s 4th Phase of Water

- Mom & Kids Analogy for Water’s oxidation states

- Between 2 atoms we can create 48 different combinations; times it by trillions of atoms = a large number of combinations.

- Particles follow Sacred Geometric shapes, on macro & micro level, for stability. 

- Sacred Geometric shapes in water molecules allow for efficient sharing of charge (electrons).

- How water acts as a Field, How Electrons act as a language; how the 2 come together to maintain Memory.

- Niek gets excited about the potential.

7:50 - 9:43 - The Practical Applications of Fascia holding Memory

- How the Memory held within Your Fascia could help You regenerate Your own tissues.

- The Best way to keep Your Fascia clean, clear & balanced.

- Niek shares the practices he uses.

9:44 - 12:14 - How applying practice keeps Your Fascia Healthy

- How Gait Training keeps Your Fascia Healthy

- How Immunecentric Diet keeps Your Fascia Healthy

- How Trauma Integration keeps Your Fascia Healthy

- Niek explains the connection to consciousness via Fascia and how it relays down to the Physical Level

12:15 - 14:04 - The connection to Consciousness

- Niek shares another disclaimer

- Can we steer the conversation that is happening at a cellular level?

- Small shifts in perception have massive impacts on practice.

14:05 - 18:52 - Clarifying the connection between Consciousness & The Physcial.

- Niek clarifies an unsound arguement he mentioned previously.

- Physical Alignment leads yuo to higher states of consciousness and vice versa.

- Integration into Alignment is directed by Felt Sense

- Spiritually & Physicality are 2 sides of teh same coin; Your Body is the template, Your Soul is the expression.

- Steering Wheel Analogy.

- How aligning physically, aligns us consciously.


- Michael Levin Fascia Video Clip

- Michael Levin Research

- Michael Levin Presentation on Research Findings

- Gerald Pollack Research

- Niek Wulkea Binary Code Article Reference

- Functional Patterns

- Immunecentric Theory

- Human Garage

A Picture of Niek Wulkea
Niek Wulkea

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