Can Saturated Fats drive Muscular Pain & Fascial Inflammation? Bear Hunting, Keto Diets and Overindulging

0:00 - 3:58 - Intro

- How diet can radically reduce mucsular pain by reducing Inflammation

- Looking at Saturated Fatty Acids (SFA’s) and how thry impact inflammation, Fascia & Pain

- Diet is the place to start for Pain

- Diet can radically reduce Pain within 2 weeks.

- What we are going to cover in the Podcast.

3:59 - 8:58 - The Inspiration

- Nieks Bear-Hunting Trip as the Inspiration for this Podcast

- Levaraging the Immunecentric Framework

- Niek’s Back Muscles were so tight that breathing was filtered down to a wheeze in the AM.

- Niek had 250g of Fatty Acids per day, lots of Free Fatty Acids (FFA) in serum

8:59 - 13:33 - Immunity, Fascia and Your Fat Tissue

- This episode will be broken down —> We are going to look at pathways activated by high FFA in the diet, how we can reverse engineer it

- Fat (the tissue) is a vector for Inflammation

- Superficial Fascia and Subcutaneus Fascia are next-door neighbors

- Preadipocytes (Progenitors) can become Pro-Inflammatory (M1) Immune Cells under imbalanced conditions.

- An Immune Cell is a Sentinal; In a nutshell, Tissue Cells follow the behaviour of Immune Cells.

- House on Fire Analogy, How Inflammation in Fat immediately impacts Your Fascia.

13:34 - 17:28 - Too many FFA’s activate Ceramides which Activates Inflammation

- Keto Diets are supposed to be healthy, why is there a problem?

- Too much saturated Fatty Acids create more FFA’s in the serum

- Ceramide’s get produced; ceramides are a bioactive lipid (fat) that can act as a signalling molecule.

- Ceramide’s will target Fat Cells

- Ceramide’s have a section of their structure that is the same as LPS (Pro-Inflammatory Bacterial Fragments)

- Ceramides activate Immune Cells making them Pro-Inflammatory.

- Ceramides Bind TLR4 on Macrophages, activating Pro-Inflammatory Response

17:29 - 20:53- Excess FFA’s creates Friendly Fire on Tissue Cells by Inflammatory Activation  

- Paper that explains Ceramides will increase Pro-Inflammatory markers, this is concomitant with Fibrosis.

- Excess FFA’s in serum are detected by IRE1a (Inositol Requiring Enzyme Type 1), IRE1 ultimate switch for entire Immune Respnse

- B & T Cells get activted

- Flips Mcrophages to M1

- Inflammasome —> Robot Godzilla gets activated

- IRE1a induces friendly -fire on Tissue via Immune System.

20:53 - 21:06 - Excessive FFA’s Review

- Too many FFA’s in the Blood create Endothelium (Vasculature) Dysfunction, Blood turns on Fire.

- FFA’s Inflammatory Cascade Review

21:07 - 25:37 - How & When MCT’s can be problematic

- MCT’s are researched to be anti-inflammatory, so whats going on?

- Long-term with MCT’s and over-Indulgence.

- C6, C8, C10 can very quickly be transported into the serum very quickly.

- Serum can get loaded with MCT’s very quickly.

- Too many MCT’s disrupt B-oxidation in Mitochondria.

- Excess MCT’s end up staying longer into the serum

- Contributes to too many FFA’s inducing pro-inflammatory signalling as mentioned above.

25:37 - 29:36 - How MCT’s can drive auto-immune issues

- The problems with researching effects of MCT’s 

- Autoimmune (MS & encephalytis) has more C6 circulating in the serum.

- C8 and C10 seem to skew the ratio’s of Th1 : Th17 Cells towards excess Th17 Cells

- Excess Th17 = Autoimmune Issues (MS, Lupus, etc.)

- MCT’s can unravel the short-term effects of SCFA

- SCFA keep Th1 : Th17 Cell populations balanced, too many MCT’s prevent this.

29:37 - 33:14 - How MCT’s and Saturated Fats can be problematic for the Gut Biome long-term

- This explains how Keto, WAP, or Carnivore diets can create some problematic systemic inflammatory issues.

- Fat will favor bacteria that exist within the lumen

- Outcompete Commensals

- Commensals keep Mucus layer production high, promote tight junction gene expression, tune T-Helper (Th) Cell Population

- A sincere Inflammatoty Disaster, (LPS + Ceramides + Feeding Lumen Bacteria) —> Serious inflammatory probems.

- A High Fat Diet will create excessive ROS production and damage colonocytes.

- Diet has so much power over Inflammation

- Inflammation tightly linked to Fat Tissue, which has a tight relationship with Fascia.

33:15 - 36:23 -  Niek’s Use Case

- Too many Long Chain Fatty Acids (LCFA’s)

- Too much FFA in the serum

- Too little Energy Expenditure

- Created Beautiful Breeding Ground for HIF-1 (Pro-inflammatory Protein) to blow inflammation through the roof

- Drives Myofibroblast populations up, creates fascial contracture

- Extreme “Muscle”/Fascial Tension

36:24 - 40:43 - Solution Sets

- Prevention for short Term = easiest, stick with MCTs for short-term and remove the saturated Long Chain Fatty Acids (LCFA’s)

- Long-term Keto, WAP, or Carnivore diets Mitigation

- Ideal situation —> Use cyclically, when off use Resistant starch or Immunecentric (IC)Approach

- Niek used the IC Approach to heal himself, cut his symptoms in half by each day.

- The IC Approach has the potential to completely shift Your inflammation in 1-2 weeks.

- How IC Approach works with the Immune System.

- If You have lots of Pain —> Start with Diet 

40:44 - 43:23 -  Keto Diets have massive benefits and how to use them.

- Should be used cyclically with functional foods

- Use cases where keto diets are beneficial; increasing metabolic flexibiliy, inducing fat-burning, activating autophagy pathways, etc.

- Its not a Way of Eating for Life, strategically it’s fantastic.


- Keto Bricks

- Ben Greenfields Pemmican Recipe

- Increased FFA increase Ceramide Prod.

  1. The Role of Ceramides in Insulin Resistance
  2. The Role of Fatty Acids in Ceramide Pathways and Their Influence on Hypothalamic Regulation of Energy Balance: A Systematic Review
  3. Lipid-induced insulin resistance mediated by the proinflammatory receptor TLR4 requires saturated fatty acid–induced ceramide biosynthesis in mice

- Bifido driven down by C10 Paper

- 2019 Frontiers of Endocrinology Paper- Ceramides increase M1

- IRE1a Papers

  1. IRE1α Implications in Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress-Mediated Development and Pathogenesis of Autoimmune Diseases
  2. The unfolded protein response in immunity and inflammation

- Immunecentric Approach (Veep)

- Immunity Code Book

- Marie-Josee Labrecque Lambs

- Research Papers

  1. Short- and medium-chain fatty acids in energy metabolism: the cellular perspective
  2. Medium Chain Triglyceride (MCT) Oil Affects the Immunophenotype via Reprogramming of Mitochondrial Respiration in Murine Macrophages
  3. Fatty Acid Diets: Regulation of Gut Microbiota Composition and Obesity and Its Related Metabolic Dysbiosis
  4. Role of free fatty acids in endothelial dysfunction
  5. Medium Chain Triglyceride Oil: An Intended Placebo with Unexpected Adverse Effects
  6. Hyperlipidemias and Obesity
  7. Biochemical Competition Makes Fatty-Acid β-Oxidation Vulnerable to Substrate Overload
  8. Effect of plasma free fatty acid supply on the rate of ceramide synthesis in different muscle types in the rat
  9. Insights into the roles and pathomechanisms of ceramide and sphigosine-1-phosphate in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease
  10. Inhibition of sphingolipid de novo synthesis counteracts muscular dystrophy
A Picture of Niek Wulkea
Niek Wulkea

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