Harness the secret that Next-Level Athletes have used to maximize their Power Output, Speed and Force Production - Fascial Rebound P.1.

0:00 - 2:52- Intro

- We will be loking at Fascial Rebound today.

- Power Output and Force Production seems to be more correlated to the Fascia instead of the Muscle.

- Level up Your Life

2:53 - 7:31- The outdated theory of Human Movement

- Motion is traditionally dictated by Classical Newtonian mecbahnics; we still look a the Body like a machine.

- It’s only part of the equation

- Newtonian Mechanics is only accurate in artificial positions

- Lifting anything but a Barbell

- Human Movement moves in all planes of Movement simultaneously.

- Rotation is always happening on some level.

- If any part of Your Body is not integrated or under-utilized that is Your Rate-Limiting Step.

- Bill Parisi’s Quote

7:32 - 13:25 - Why our training systems need to be upgraded

- We need to understand Movement n a higher level to upgrade our training systems.

- Movement in Life Circumstances = Task-based objective that needs to be completed as efficiently as possible.

- How do we train these forms of Movement

- Michol Dalcourt Story; he was training his players to be faster to the puck, the farm kids were beating his players

- Ancestrally makes sense; Hunterer-Gatherer examples, Farm and Homesteading examples

- Niek’s childhood examples

- Why movements in the gym will never be seen again outside of the gym and therefore has very litlle carryover

13:26 - 15:04 - When isolation training is a waste of time.

- Translating Real-Life Movement situations into the gym is very complex.

- Isolation exercises in Life because its too inefficient; the Body is designed to prevent isolation

- Contractile Potential of the Muscle is not the primary driver of Power output.

15:05 - 18:17 - Properties of Fascia

- Fascia is a colloid; physcial material suspened in liquid

- 3 Key features of Fascia; (1) viscosity, (2) elasticity, (3) plasticity.

- Viscosity defined + example

- Elasticity defined + exampe

- Plasticity defined + example

- Fascia is a non-newtonian fluid

- Fascia is visco-elastic; long-slow loading times = change in shape, short quick movements (under 1.5 secs) = leverage elastic properties

18:18 - 19:36 - Why are these properties so important?

- These properties allow the fascia to stabilize the body; it also allows fascia t distribute fascia

- The Body is designed to spread out force and stress.

- Distribution of Force + Stabilization = Amplify Movement

- Fascia can continually remodel itself; makes it extremely trainable

19:37 - 25:56 - The Science behind Power belonging to the Fascia instead of the Muscle

- University of Tokyo Study; found that the Achilles Tendon is responsible for the power output, not the muscle.

- The muscle was an isometric contraction.

- Using Your hands as visualizing how Actin & Myosin work.

- What an isometric Contraction is.

- An isometric contraction allows for energy transfer into the tendon; so lengthen Your connective tissue!

- Helene Langevin Study; 40% of a muscles contractile force goes into adjacent muscles.

- Prove it to Yourself with a Bicep curl

- What is muscle co-stiffening.

- More muscles co-contraction = mre force storage = more force output

- Review of the Muscle-Fascia relationship

25:57 - 30:40 -

- How Fascia creates Legendary power

- Thomas Myers calls this Interoceptive Totality; the ability to channel force through the entire body. 

- This is what You see in Top-Level Athletes, Karsten Warstrom.

- If though it feels good to train strength in the gym, its translation to power production is low, because its as fast as the Rate Limiting Step.

- What happens in the Preload Movement.

- Your trying to get the Fascia to co-contract overy single muscle, reverse the cycle, reprroduce it.

- Fascia is a non-calorie-consuming tissue.

- Basketball shooting sleeve analogy

- This is why You can walk for hours.

30:41 - 32:42 - Review and Close-Out

- Fascial Rebound is the ability of Fascia to produce tremendous amounts of force.

- Why do You need to pay attention it? Because its the lead generator in creating powerful movement.

- How does Fascia do this? By linking muscles in co-contraction.

- What role do muscles play? They support the fascia, they work together.

- Consequences of ignoring fascia.


Bill Parisi - Fascial Training: A whole Systems Approach

Bill Parisi - School of Speed

FasciaBasicsP.1 Podcast

FasciaBasicsP.2 Podcast

Michol Dalcourt - Insitute of Motion

VIPr Pro

University of Tokyo Study on Fascia Power Output

Isometric Contractions Power Output Study

Helene Langevin Study

Karsten Warholm

Fascial Rebound P.2. Podcast

A Picture of Niek Wulkea
Niek Wulkea

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