Lung Fibroblasts. Your Lung Microbiome, how it steers Immunity and it's relationship to Your Fascia

0:00 - 4:31 - Intro

- Fibroblast-Immunity Quick Review

- The importance of Oxygen to Your cells.

- How Oxygen (O2) works in the Body; it acts on a Spectrum.

- External Environment —> Lungs —> Blood System than the order reverses.

- Ischemic Tissue (No blood Flow) = No O2 (The interface with Fascia.

- What we will be covering in this Podcast.

4:32 - 7:46 - Gut-Fascia Axis and Intro to the importance of the Lungs

- Cliffnotes on Immune System, the role of Fibroblasts and the Gut.

- Fibroblasts are located where there’s a lot of moving parts.

- New York Exchange Analogy

- Besides the Gut, the Lungs is another place of High traffic.

- How we handle the exchange between external & internal environment determines how healthy we are.

7:47 - 11:09 - Mechanism for how Immunity is driven in the Lungs

- Mechanism for how the Gut interfaces with the Immune System Review

- Same Players in Lungs; Wall, Bacteria, Immune System

- Key difference: Resident Population of Bacteria in the Gut; Lungs, the Immune System & Bacteria live on the same side of the wall.

- Anatomy of the Lungs; split in the Road and Grapes Analogy

11:10 - 14:31 - Whats happening with the cells that live in Your Alveoli

- Do it Now:  Cow-hitch Handshake Analogy 

- Lung Bacteria are visitors, not residents.

- What a Healthy Lung-Immune Mechanism looks like.

- There is a Fibroblast-Macrophage Crosstalk

- What an unhealthy situation looks like.

14:32 - 18:55 - Whats happening with the cells that live in Your Alveoli in anUnhealthy situation

- Unwanted guests Analogy

- Bacterial Diversity drops because theres pathogenic dominance.

- Alveolar Macrophages are designed to die-off.

- Plan B = Interstitial Macrophages —> sensitized to Anti-Inflammatory (M2) type

- The consequences of “Excessive Bacterial Burden”

- Interstitial Macrophages now live in alveoli, theysecrete TGF-b; communicates to Fibroblasts to activate and multiply.

- Consequences of Fibroblast Activation

- How the problem becomes exacberated Fibroblast to Myofibrblast Transition (FMT); Epithelial to Mesenchymal Transition (EMT).

- Ratchet Analogy of Myofibroblasts

- Bacterial Burden + slowing of Oxygen transfer = Problem

18:56 - 21:25 - What happens when the Inflammatory Response becomes chronic and how it affects Your Fascia

- Interstitial Macrophages stay in the alveoli; sensitized to activate the Fibroblasts, lowering the Oxygen transfer into the serum

- How this mechanism actually relates to You.

- No O2 = HIF-1

- HIF-1 allows for continual metabolic activity.

- Imbalanced Immunoty in Lungs = less O2 reaching tissue cells = more HIF-1 = more FMT (activated Fibroblast / Myofibroblasts)

- Net is Fascial Disease

21:26 - 23:22 - How COPD works and impacs Your Fascia

- The Body tries to breath harder to compensate for the tickened wall of Fibroblasts.

- Diaphragm adaptations

- Fatigued Diaphragm impacts the ribcage & Spine

- Zero O2 + Fighting Gravity + Circulating HIF-1 = complete disadvantage

23:23 - 28:21 - How to support Healthy Lung Activity from a Fascial Perspective

- The role of IL-17a.

- Synergizes with IL-33 and IL-13; creates a triage

- When Fibroblasts release these cytokines, turns Macrophages into M2 type (anti-inflammatory . pro-fibrotic)

- Niek speaks to this through his own experience.

- Niek shares his severe allergy story; didn’t sleep for more than10 hours over 2 weeks.

- Niek used Peppermint essential oil; anecdotally and hints in the research that these can block the pro-fibrotic cytokine triage.

28:22 - 31:54 - Targetting the Oral Microbiome to optimize Lung Function

- Niek also targetted Oral Microbiome.

- How Oral commensals support Immune function in the alveolus.

- What happens if Oral Commensals become unbalanced.

- Niek inoculate nose & throat with Streptococcus salivarius K12.

- Endemic role of S. salivarius K12 and how it impacts the lungs.

- Foods that feed S. salviarius are Inulin, fermented foods (& raw greens (waxy cuticle)

- Niek’s population of S. salivarius was so gret he thought he had cavities

31:55 - 34:59 - The Gut-Immune Axis can nt be overstated and close-out

- Review of how th Gut is connected to the Lungs vis the Immune System.

- a dysfunctional Gut creates a hyper-responsive lung environment.

- Start with Gut then go to the Mouth to target the Lungs.


Research Papers

  1. Sensitivity of alveolar macrophages to substrate mechanical and adhesive properties
  2. Physical and mechanical regulation of macrophage phenotype and function
  3. Hypoxia induces pulmonary fibroblast proliferation through NFAT signaling
  4. Lung Fibroblast Repair Functions in Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Are Altered by Multiple Mechanisms
  5. A pathologic two‐way street: how innate immunity impacts lung fibrosis and fibrosis impacts lung immunity
  6. Lung Fibrosis and Fibrosis in the Lungs: Is It All about Myofibroblasts?

James Nestor Book - Breath

Streptococcus Salivarius K12

Extra Prebiotic / Probiotic:

Streptococcus Salivarius M18 also works well (no link)

Sinusitis Experiment with L. Sakei B-2 - Video

Chris Hansen Single Strain Probos

Chris Hansen Prebiotic HMO

Bifido Breve - Morinaga

A Picture of Niek Wulkea
Niek Wulkea

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