Fascia Basics You won't find anywhere else P.1

1:07 - 2:56 - Intro & What You will hear on this Podcast

- Niek Wulkea Intro

- What Google will give You about Fascia

- What You will hear on this Podcast, Theory to influence Practice

- 6 Foundational Principles

2:57 - 9:02 - Principle #1 Foreshadowing

- House Analogy of Fascia

- Exterior Wall = Skin, Superficial Fasica, Interior Wall = Bones, Muscles, Organs, Cupbards = Departments of the Organ, Bowls & Plates = Fascia that wraps Cells, Contents of Bowls & Plates = Cellular Fascia (Cytoskeleton), Air = Fascia that is inside the nucleus of the Cell

- Fascia can mechanically turn Genes ON or OFF

- Fibers connect everything in the house, the house is actually a mess to move around in.

- Fascia is fibrous networks in gelatinous mixture

- Analogy of Fascia Ends

- Compositions & density of Gel & Fibers can change

- Fascia is the Housing & the Internal Support Structure

 9:03 - 13:50 - Principle #1: Fascia is the Housing & the Internal Support Structure & Principle #2: Fascial Adaptation is a response to the most frequently used Pattern

- Moving in Your House Analogy

- Fascial Efficiency in the Fibers

- Collapsing out of position is doing something, You are never doing nothing.

- Why You walk a certain way (it’s not just from Your Parents)

- Why creating change in Your Fascia can be difficult or easy.

- Why babies are so pliable.

- Fascia provides a window of opportunity to change that is always open.

- Fibers are always being degraded or built up again.

13:51 - 20:04 - How the most frequently used patterns can drive unhealthy fascia

- What Fibroblast do

- Thomas Myers Fibroblast reference video

- Fibroblasts recreate Your Body

- Healthy vs. Unhealthy Fascia

-  Drivers of Unhealthy Fascia; Joints out of IAOR, Chronic Tension, Instability under abrupt & acute load

- Energy Leaks, Energy Transfer in Movement

- What Energy Leaks is coming from

- An Energy leak is a re-direction of Energy 

20:05 - 22:14 -  Fibroblasts Overview

- Fibroblasts are mesenchymal

- Fibroblasts can receive biochemical and mechanical messages

- They are primarily known to create and change fibrous composition; may not be primary job.

22:15 - 26:29 - Fibroblast Properties and Function; why Youu need to pay attention to the direction You are going

- Fibroblasts have ability to build themselves on demand; driven by high need of structural re-organization.

- What is de-differentiation? How it’s different from stem cell differentiation.

- Community Building Analogy

- Other cells can be “reverse-engineered” to become Fibroblasts

- Fascia Principles Review

26:30 -29:38 - Principle #3 You need to Move

- Whether You’re moving or not externally, You are always moving internally

- Micro-movements are always happening, gravity example

- Everything has to move on the inside to optimize function on the outside

- The focus is to facilitate internal movement

- The Movement needs to be pulsing & rhythmic

- Rhythm drives the symmetry in Fascia at the cellular level.

- Rhythmicity drives self-organization, releae control to prevent being spread too thin.

29:39  - 34:59 Quality of Movement & Movement Sensitivity

- Practical Tip #1: If movement desensitized, any movemnt is good

- You can maintain Internal Movement while being externally still.

- Level Up #1: The purpose of External Fascial Movement is to create an expansive movement library.

- Level Up #2: Tackle the Rate Limiting Step, internal intuitive road map

- Good external movement maintains balanced internal movement, good internal movement drives balanced external movement.

- The importance of Biological Design

- Movement should revolve arund moving towards Biological Design

35:00 - 36:04 - Dancers and their ability to Move well + Close-Out

- They have consistently moved towards Biologically Design

- The rate at which they can move towards Biological Design is fast

- They don’t have structural hardware to get over.


De-Differentiation Photo

Thomas Myers Fibroblast Slug Video - Google Presentation

Shape & Structure (Icosahedron)Blog Post - niekwulkeahealth.com

Fibrocytes as a Fibroblast Pre-cursor Research Study

A Picture of Niek Wulkea
Niek Wulkea

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