Diaphragmatic Breathing Unpacked: All the Benefits that You never knew about from 1 Breath Cycle.


Refer to the Flowchart for this one, (see below). It's as Quick and Dirty as it gets.


Whenever I get asked about Quick Fixes for Health My answer almost includes the Question:

"How well do You Breathe?"

Needless to say this is usually met with a questionable look riddled with a mix of Surprise and Curiosity. Like when a Pug cocks his head sideways because he's got a pretty good guess You've got something delicious in Your hand.

This half-open door leads me to bubbling with excitement to deliver the goods.

While maintaining the greatest intentions of keeping My answers short they almost always turn into a 2-hour Keynote Presentation more suitable for a University Lecture than the casual Sunday Brunch where these Conversations usually turn up.

So in an effort to keep My Answers Sweet and Succinct I've instead created a Flow Chart (see below) that highlights a great majority of the Benefits of one way of Breathing.


It's amazing what one little cycle of inhalation and exhalation can do.

And when You stack these cycles up in consistency You can build some serious momentum to creating everlasting change in Your Health.

So without further ado, Feast Your Eyes.

BellyBreath FC

A Picture of Niek Wulkea
Niek Wulkea

One-on-One Coaching

Upgrade Your Health to Your Innate, Evolutionary Standards and Unlock New Levels of Potential with Methods that are Tried and Tested.

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