Breath Balloon. The Superior form of Fascia Release? A new take on MFR and releasing adhesions.

0:00 - 2:35 - Intro

- What’s going to be on the podcast. Why Myofascial Release Therapy (MFR) from the inside-out is superior to the outside-in.

- Contraindtictions

2:36 - 4:44 - Niek breaks down the concept of MFR from the Inside-Out.

- What’s happening to the Fascia when You conduct MFR from the Outside-In.

- What’s happening to the Fascia when You conduct MFR from the Inside-out.

- Sponge vs. Balloon Analogy

4:45 - 6:40 - What You are limited by when doing MFR from the Outside-In

- Awareness can become short-sighted

- You’re compressing the tissue, the tissue’s innate elasticity limits You.

- Sponge Analogy

6:41 - 8:00 - How doing MFR from the Inside-Out is different

- Creating tension over the “stuck-point” and expanding.

- Do it Yourself; quick exercise You can try right now

- Allows You to surpass Your Tissue’s innate elastic stretch. 

8:01 - 11:54 - How can I use breathe to create expansion in tissues far away? (ankles, wrists)

- Principle #1: Your Breath is a mechanicl Biological Pump that pushes fluid around Your Body

- The mechanical motion moves fluid to distant regions

- Principle #2: Using intention activates the Reticular Activating System (RAS).

- Exercise to try it Yourself

- What the RAS does.

11:55 - 14:23 - Recap on how MFR from the Inside-Out works

- Fluid circumvents Fascial adhesions

- Creating a negative pressure by stretching, combined with positive pressure of Your breath (Bio-Pump)

- Why this “shrink-wrapping” is so important.

- Sacred Geometry within Your Fascia, You can see it in Jean-Claude Cuimberteau’s video

- Comparisn to using MFR from the Outside-In.

14:25 - 16:27 - The Bonus of working from the Inside-Out

- Resetting Mechanoreceptors

- Compression prevents Mechanoreceptors from transmitting sensory messages.

- Expansion increases sense of touch, position and safety 

- Supports Your Movement Cycle and Patterns

16:28 - 19:21 - Summary of how MFR from the Inside-Out impacts the Movement Cycle and Close-Out

- Niek uses his real-life example

- Niek’s success on the Beach

- More Mechanisms of Action on how MFR works

- Under which conditions You would use Inside-Out MFR


Paul Chek Bio-Pump Articles -

  1. Getting pumped makes You Feel Good Part 1
  2. Getting pumped makes You Feel Good Part 2
  3. Getting pumped makes You Feel Good Part 3

Gil Hedley - Liver & Heart video

Jean-Claude Guimberteau - Strolling under the skin Video

Human Garage

A Picture of Niek Wulkea
Niek Wulkea

One-on-One Coaching

Upgrade Your Health to Your Innate, Evolutionary Standards and Unlock New Levels of Potential with Methods that are Tried and Tested.

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