Grab Your Self-Assessment Sheet and take a Peek at the Flowchart!
Dark Blue = Organs
Light Blue = Common “Malfunctions”
Orange = Acute Symptoms
Red = Chronic Symptoms
We’re Back with Part 2!
This is going to be Short and Sweet. In Body Reading Part 1 - The First Steps to Confidently Self-Diagnosing I gave You a Practical Self-Assessment Guide and showed You Where and What to look for when doing a Personal Scan to begin connecting the dots to come up with a plausible diagnosis.
Now comes the Fun part. In this Article I’m going to give You the most comprehensive Flow chart You have ever laid Your Eyes on to get You acquainted with the Inside of Your Body (Your Organs) by looking at the Outside of Your Body.
We’re also going to touch on how to decipher the difference between Acute and Chronic Symptoms and what that means for You in terms of the types of changes You’re going to have to make to get back to Baseline.
In other words We’re going to get You started with learning the language of all those wonderful observations You made in Part 1 and send You off on Your way to embark upon the Rabbit Trail of following Flowchart lines to begin untangling Your current position and how You got there.
So let’s get Started.
Before We even look at how this Puppy is Structured, it will be good to know that this Flowchart is by no means exhaustive, it’s a start. Much of the Symptoms will be Unique to You and combining them with Your Energy Levels, Movement Patterns, Sleep-Wake Cycles, Mood, Body Temperature and Eating Habits is what’s really going to bring You clarity.
What it does do is provide You with 2 things:
- The Most Obvious Early Signs that begin to manifest when something is amiss. - This gives You a Baseline if You’re stuck.
- How these symptoms are linked to one another. - You can work Your way back to Your Starting Point to implement the tactic that gives You the Maximum “Spread of Impact”, (No point taking a cabinet-full of nootropics if You haven’t fixed Leaky Gut first).
In combination You can begin to piece together What caused What and whether it started 2 days or 8 years ago.
Coupling the Flowchart with the Practical Self-Assessment Sheet will also begin to help You understand more acute and specific situations unique to Your situation. Like why Your Allergies show up as rashes instead of Hay fever, or why Your skin tends to be dry rather than oily.
Now if You haven’t already looked there’s no doubt You’re itching to get started so I’m going to break down how to navigate this Visceral Roadmap.
- Organs and the most Common Ailments in Western Society (Cortisol, Thyroid, Blood Sugar, Fat) are Home Base in Dark Blue.
- Common Tissue “Malfunctions” break off in Light Blue.
- If the Symptoms can appear Early (Acute) they are in Orange.
- If the Symptoms are a result of a continuous build-up over time (Chronic) they are in Red.
Once You know Your Symptoms, simply reverse the steps. Work Your way back to the “Malfunction” and it’s associated Organ.
Once You’re there, You know what steps You need to take for Confirmation (Test, Panels, Labs, (DIY Experiments, (which I do not recommend)) or Action (Lifestyle Changes, Supplements, Seek Further Advice, Research etc.).
Your second option is to start following the Light Blue lines to see what connects to what, guiding You towards a Root Cause that could have system-wide effects, (Leaky Gut anyone?).
In either case when it comes time for Execution a good rule of Thumb is this:
If it’s Acute → Implement a Skillset.
Then file it in Your Back-Pocket. (i.e. Rubbing Diluted Apple Cider Vinegar on Your Face to feed Your Skin Microbiome and keep Your Pores clean)
If it’s Chronic → Change Your Lifestyle
If You have High Blood-Sugar from Eating Chocolate and Syrup Sandwiches all day or guzzling Your 4 gallons of Cold-Pressed, Freshly-squeezed Fruit Juice in the morning, make a change.. Instead of grabbing Metformin or Berberine with every Meal, a shift in Your Day-to-Day Living is going to benefit every other component of Your Health as well.
So that’s it!
Dig in and Enjoy.
If You feel stuck let Me know in the Intake Form Below or DM Me through Social Media! Or more than happy to Walk with You on Your Journey to Your Goals!