0:00 -3:46 - Intro
- Why would we talk about the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) on a Fascia-focussed Podcast?
- We will look at the relationship between the ANS and Fascia.
- What the practical takeaways will be on this podcast.
3:47 - 7:46 - The Updated version of classifying ANS States.
- The way we communicate the function of the ANS is outdated.
- Old Gas Pedal - Brake Analogy of the ANS
- There are actually 4 Phases of ANS Activation; Both Parasympathetic stages are on opposite ends of the ANS Spectrum.
Stephen hussey’s Book explains the anatomy of these 2 Parasympathetic (PSNS) states.
- Ladder Analogy for new ANS States
7:47 - 10:48 - The function of the Dorsal Motor Nucleus
The PSNS splits int 2 separate tracks; (1) Dorsal Motor Nucleus; (2) Nucleus Ambiguous
- Memory Meme for the Dorsal Motor Nucleus
- The Nucleus Ambiguous is responsible for Ventral Vagus Consciousness (VVC)
- The Dorsal Motor Nucleus is an ON-OFF Switch
- The Dorsal Vagus Consciousness (DVC) and Why the Dorsal Motor Nucleus is evolutionary conserved.
- Lion-chasing Example.
10:49 - 15:34 - The function of the Nucleus Ambiguous
- Nucleus Amniguous coordinates VVC
- The Nucleus Ambiguous is a Dimmer Switch
- Dimmer-Switch allows VVC to climb with Sympathetic Activation (SNS); creates a 5th Hybrid State.
- A New Car Analogy for the Autnomic Nervous System, it includes a hill.
-The Power of the Hybrid state in the ANS.
15:35 - 18:33 - Building the Arch
- Julien Pineaus Theory of Building the Arch; the Hybrid State of the ANS.
- Do it Yourself: Exercise to visually explain The Building the Arch Theory; Left is VVC, Right is SNS.
- Consequences this has to Your Awareness.
- How You ramp into a Sympathetic state subconsciusly
18:34 - 21:09 - Where most people are on a Day-to-Day Basis
- Most People ae operating suboptimally because they have normalized stress and the sympathetic Response.
- Why its critical to re-calibrate.
- Example of listening to Your Body and listening to Yourself simultaneously in the Workplace.
21:10 - 26:39 - How the Fascia interfaces with the ANS
- Your ANS is a Threat Detection System; it uses neuroception; evolutionary-conserved sensory mechanisms, both internal and external.
- Your Fascia is the largest Sensory Organ in Your Body
- When You can interpret the perceived stimuli as changeable You can maintain VVC in tandem with SNS
- Interpretation dictates state of ANS Activation
- If we have a threat signal and we can interpret the threat differently we change the way we respond.
- VVC begets more VVC; this is dne through the Fascia
26:40 - 30:59 - Why this becomes important
- What most peple feel or have felt.
- What matters is that Your not in VVC, You are still fighting Sympatetic Response
- Trust becomes the pivot point between VVC and SNS; mst pepe look externally, but Fascia can communicate and establish Self-Trust.
- This is how intuition gets established, via fascia contributing sensory information
- Gut Pain and Intuition Example
- Your Job is to get out of Your Body’s Way, focussing on VVC
- Summary of what happens when You focus on VVC
40:00 - 32:47 -Why most people break under sympathetic activation
- Definition of Resiliency; what its often confused for.
- Most people feel under pressure when they don’t have to.
32:48 -39:20 - What happens in Your Fascia when You lose the Arch?
- Name to Tame Podcast reference
- Overview of what happens in the LHEM when You Lose the Arch
- External stimuli stills manifest as an Internal sensation
- How the (Left Hemispher) LHEM and RHEM (Right Hemisphere) handle Dysreguation
- How Disembodiment comes about and why this is so critical to metabolism and overall Health.
- How Emotions connect to Metabolism
- Why You see people with C-Spine, assymetry, flat feet etc.
39:21 - 42:51 - The 3 things You need to know abot Being Where You Want to Be in the ANS
- the 3 things You need to check off the list. (1) Balanced Breath (2) High Muscle Tone (3) Engaged & Aware
- Balanced Breath; 360 degree Expansion, n. hold at the top
- High Muscle Tone; Can You move quickly without being stressed out about it; global and equally dispersed.
- Engaged & Aware; You are actively exchanging with whatever You’re focussing n while simultaneously being aware of Self & Surroundings.
- Computer Example
- Conversation Example
- Summary of where PYou want to Be
42:52 - 50:01 - How to ID where You are in the ANS Ladder
- What VVC looks like; Pain-free; All-Seeing Eyes; High Muscle Tone, (E) Calm, Empathic, Intuitive, (M) Desire to Play, Sensuality, Sexuality
- What SNS (Fight) looks like. Tension in Face, Jaw, Neck, Hot, “Predator Eyes”, Superficial Eyes ON, Stabilizing Musculature is TURNED DOWN, shallow Breathing, held at the top (E) Angry, Aggressive, Defensive (M)Passive-Aggressive, Blame, Denial, Debate
- What SNS (Flight) looks like, Energy moves t Your Legs, Pulling Away, Desire to Run, Everything same as Fight except You will be Cold instead of Hot, Your eyes will Dart instead of Focus, (E) Anxiety, Fear (M) Lying, Control, Manipulation, Appeasement, Fawning
- What DVC looks like, Loss of Global Muscle Tone, Un-seeing Eyes, Dominant Out-Breath, Floppy or Rigid, (E) Terror, Numb, Hollow
50:02 - 55:40 - What happens when any 1 state couples with VVC, EMF’s and Close-Out
- This is where all the fun stuff happens; mobilization
- The differnce between Play & Abuse
- DVC cmbined with VVC; Deep Sleep, Deep Meditation, etc.
- Polyvagal Theory & Neuroception
- EMF (5G & 4G) can activate the ANS
- The Power of Electromagnetic Fields, Coherence and Synchronization
- Fascia has the capacity to detect vibrational signature
- Thoughts and Emotions carry vibrational signatures that Your Fascia can sense.
- Summary of the Podcast
Stephen Hussey - Understanding the Heart
Julien Pineau - Strongfit Youtube Channel
Name to Tame podcast